Color Wheel
Instantly create harmonious color palettes with our color wheel. Select a base color and combination to generate a beautiful color scheme backed by color theory.

100% Free
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A user-friendly tool with no learning curve.

Browse millions of colors and combinations.
Stress-free designingQuickly put together cohesive color palettes
Looking to create an art activity? Or maybe put together a colorful presentation? It’s easy with our Color Wheel! You can quickly find colors that complement each other—all on your browser. There’s no need to learn color theory or learn any fancy software.

Instantly capture attentionEasily make vibrant presentations for your students
To make your content “pop”, use our Color Wheel to get color combo suggestions. Colorful slides are more visually interesting to students and can help them learn concepts easier. For example, you can highlight important terms or differentiate big concepts with a couple bold colors.

How to use the Color Wheel
Select a base color on the rainbow color wheel, then adjust the brightness using the outer ring.

Frequently asked questions
Yes, it is! You can use it as often as you want for your class materials.
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