GPA Calculator

Easily calculate your overall GPA—weighted & unweighted—to see your academic standing. Made for students and educators who need to track GPAs for the semester.

Cumulative GPA



Current GPA (optional)

No semesters added yet.


Calculate GPA with grades, credits, and weights per class.


GPA Calculations are based on the standard 4.0 scale.


Your data never leaves your browser.

Fast & Easy

Quickly calculate GPAGet instant and accurate GPA calculations

Forget doing manual math, use our online GPA Calculator to get precise results, every time. Just add in the grade, credits, and weight of each class and we’ll do the rest. We account for every detail so you can get the personalized calculations you need.


Track performanceCompare GPAs between classes and semesters

Wonder if you’re making academic progress? Easily calculate your GPA for last semester and compare it to your current GPA. Plus, you can see if there are certain classes you’re excelling in, or if there are ones you need more support with.

How to use the GPA Calculator

Have your class grades and syllabi on hand—this makes adding info into the calculator much easier. The syllabi usually lists the class credits and weights.

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can! Just make sure you input the class credits and weights to get those results.

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